In Japan...

"Hey, is that a ninja up there?"
(Japan, Aug 20 - Sep 19, 2011)

December 05, 2010

I am still here

Dear all,

Apologies for the lack of post action lately. Don't worry, I haven't been taken by ninjas, I have just been terribly busy in the days before leaving the country, trying to wrap everything up as you can imagine. I do have plenty more stories to tell: strange food, drunken Japanese, what the television is like, J-pop etc and the finale of the Bog Blog that you don't want to miss! So once I get back onto British soil, I'll wrap thing up.


December 01, 2010

Bog Blog 3: Environmentally-friendly American

I found this beautiful creature in my friend's apartment. It is a modification of a standard American-style toilet. Simple yet ingenious, not only does it save water by allowing you 2 different flush volumes, it adds a basin and creates a tap out of the water that is used to refill the tank so that you can wash your hands!

eco toilet

Of course, a real sink is also needed, otherwise you would be wasting water by needing to flush the toilet all the time just to brush your teeth or wash your face.